Workplace Injury Treatment in Columbia, MD

When you lift heavy objects using incorrect form, musculoskeletal injuries can occur. Even simple tasks like moving something from the ground to a higher location like a chair, table, or shelf can cause back or muscle strain.

Bend the knees when standing upright to pick up anything. Do not bend from your waist – That is a simple rule when lifting. Always keep your back straight and allow your arms and shoulder muscles to do the work, not your back.

Three Kinds of Back Injuries You Get From Improper Lifting

  • ​Disc Injury
  • Joint Injury
  • Muscle Injury​

If you experience any of the above injuries, call (410) 884-0000 and schedule a physical therapy evaluation at our Columbia Maryland clinic so our work injury physical therapy specialists can assess your condition and prescribe the necessary treatments to address your situation.

Lifting techniques to help avoid injuries

  • ​​Prepare where to place the object you are moving before starting to lift objects. Your feet should be flat on the ground and about shoulder-width apart.
  • Use your feet to pivot if you need to turn. Keep your elbows bent when lifting an object.
  • Your leg muscles should be providing support and power (not the back muscles) during your movement to keep your body erect.
  • Maintain the object you are holding as close to your body as possible to optimize your shoulder and arm muscles. Remember that the closer an object to your center of gravity, the less force is required to hold it.
  • Keep your chest forward, and bend at your knees or hips (and not your lower back). Your shoulders should be in line with your hips to avoid twisting motions. If possible, avoid turning or twisting during lifting.
  • When changing directions, move your hips first to avoid potential strains on your back and pelvis. Moving shoulders first before your hips when changing directions will twist your body leading to various upper and lower back injuries.Do not lift heavy objects. Assess the weight of an object before lifting. Your muscles are limited to what your body can carry.